A raw side of me from the last day of last decade

Where do I start?
So many things have changed than I can remember. A decade is a long period of time. If I were asked what is the same, ‘nothing’ would be my reply and if what’s changed ‘nothing’ would still be my reply and that really amazes me, you know, how a person can be so much the same and different at the same time. This year had been dynamic and full of new lessons learned. Meeting new friends, trying new things, exploring new places, culture, aren’t they what make living worthwhile? Looking back, I see sweats and sleepless nights for my sake, I see few friends that I count on.
It really amazes me how we change, you know. From being a child to an adolescent, from being a loner to an extrovert and a fool to a learner. I never thought life would be this exciting and me, somewhat, this realistic about life. There’s something about passing hours, you see, something you only learn with time. This year has been full of learning and making new memories. Exploring new cultures/lifestyle, interacting with people having different opinions, visiting new places, making new friends, learning new things, writing, being a kid, making mistakes. In the end, they’re what count the most, I suppose. Something I must note about this year is the people I am surrounded by, few but notable, the ones who can easily spot the real me and my ongoing moods and above all, my family who have done whatever they could for my betterment. Putting in words, about these euphoric things never seem enough, not even close.
Looking back at this decade, I feel nothing but gratitude towards the people who always made sure that I was loved and enough, and that, I could always be better tomorrow than I am today.
Dec 31, 2019


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